amazon.com上面一本要賣150美金雖然我還沒有看過不過魯道夫先生大大推薦加上amazon的讀者全部都是五顆星的評價我想這本書一定有它迷人的地方...a quick journey through the houses, and then on to the majority of the book which is given over to a "cookbook" treatment of all the planets and signs in each house......All the planetary placements by house are described here and very well, with a deep psychological profile as well as examples and facts......and this book adds much to one's understanding of each planetary place- ment, & it also has some basic info on Chiron placements, & the moon's nodes...唉啊!!看了我自己都好想馬上買再告訴大家一個好消息LSA要再版這本書了!!大約五月底就可以買到只要18.99英鎊喔~我可以幫大家預訂這本書有興趣的朋友趕快留言 如果很多香港朋友買的話應該可以節省運費吧